FRIDAY 3:00 workshops



11-A What-i-mer? – Nate Pultorak (BEG) … Fri 3:00

So, you stumbled into a Dulcimer Festival! What is this thing, where did it come from, and what can YOU do with it? These questions, and more, will be answered in this introductory workshop, where you will embark on a joyous lifelong relationship with the Hammered Dulcimer.


12-Playing and Listening with Others – Mary Grace Lee (ALL LEVELS, ALL INSTRUMENTS) … Fri 3:00

Learn how to play, collaborate, and arrange music with other musicians. We’ll explore different music techniques including dynamics, fills, chording, and harmonies. In addition, you’ll learn how to communicate with fellow musicians to have a successful collaboration.


13-Meet the Cimbalom: An Eastern European Cousin - Daniel Skala / Matej Cip (MID-ADV) … Fri 3:00

Welcome to the cimbalom, with its unique structure and sound. We’ll explain the instrument’s layout, tuning system, and the functionality of its dampers, comparing these elements to the hammered dulcimer. You’ll also learn about its various types of hammers, along with their respective techniques. Additionally, we’ll explore the types of music that are particularly suited for the cimbalom, demonstrating its versatility through a simple tune that participants can engage with. This session is suitable for both players and non-players.





14-Strumming, Rhythm and Counting – Susan Trump (BEG) … Fri 3:00

We’ll focus on the importance of strum direction to help you with rhythm and counting. There’s a simple method and you’ll be thrilled with your new skills!  DAD Tuning


15-Smooth Out Those Bumps - Carol Walker (NOV-INT) … Fri 3:00

The one element I get the most questions about is “choppy” playing. Even more experienced players who already have all the basic techniques under control need help figuring out how to keep from sounding choppy or bumpy when they play. I call it “typewriter dulcimer” – tappy-tap-tap-tap – making too much noise and not enough music! This workshop will fix that!! 


16-Jiggity Jiggity Jig – Sandy Lafleur (INT) … Fri 3:00

These lively tunes in 6/8 time have a very different feel from reels. We will learn some Celtic jigs and work on flat picking the melody as well as chordal accompaniment. DAD tuning.


17-Complex Harmonics - Kara Barnard (ADV) … Fri 3:00

Exploring "false" harmonics in all new places. We’ll also work on your regular chimes to increase the volume.




12-Playing and Listening with Others – Mary Grace Lee (ALL INSTRUMENTS, ALL LEVELS) … Fri 3:00

Learn how to play, collaborate, and arrange music with other musicians. We’ll explore different music techniques including dynamics, fills, chording, and harmonies. In addition, you’ll learn how to communicate with fellow musicians to have a successful collaboration.. 

FRI 4:15 workshops




21-Learning by Ear – Marya Katz (BEG) … Fri 4:15

There’s a time and a place for everything. An understanding of music theory is important, but not necessary at the start. Even though this is a very visual instrument, it is helpful to be able to hear a tune or song in your head and then make it happen on the Dulcimer. We will concentrate on the skeleton of the tune; like a “home base” to build on.


22-Collaborative Musical Experience: Playing Together Across Instruments - Daniel Skala / Matej Cip (MID-ADV) … Fri 4:15

Learn to play a well-known tune that is accessible to all skill levels. The goal of this session is to create a collaborative environment where hammered dulcimer players and cimbalom enthusiasts can connect through music. We’ll teach each part step-by-step, allowing participants to experience the joy of playing together, while also showcasing how the cimbalom and dulcimer can complement one another. The session will culminate in a group performance, providing a hands-on and memorable experience for everyone involved.


23-Irish Composers Not Named O’Carolan – Mary Grace Lee (ADV) … Fri 4:15

We all know Turlough O’Carolan and some of his tunes. In this class, you’ll learn about some of the other most revered composers in Irish music, both past and present. You’ll hear examples of the different styles these composers brought to the tradition, and you’ll learn a tune.




24-Magic Chords - Carol Walker (BEG) … Fri 4:15

Even if you’ve never played dulcimer before, you’ll instantly be playing chords like a pro! No tab is needed, and there are no awkward left-hand positions to worry about! Can you already count from zero to seven? Can you recite the first seven letters of the alphabet? Of course you can! That’s all you need for this workshop.


25-The Capo is Your Friend! – Sandy Lafleur (NOV-INT) … Fri 4:15

The capo on the dulcimer behaves differently than on a guitar because of the tuning and the gapped fret board. We will learn some tunes in the key of Em and also explore possibilities in the keys of G and A. DAD tuning, a capo is needed for this workshop.


26-Left Hand Stamina and Efficiency - Kara Barnard (INT) … Fri 4:15

Three finger chord shape workouts guaranteed to smooth out your arrangements and build strength in your left hand.  We'll study muscle memory building techniques,  good practice habits then learn a new song to pull it all together.


27-Odd Meters Through the Globe- Sasha Bogdanowitsch (ADV) … Fri 4:15

Explore the kind of meters and rhythms that are commonplace in places like South Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe. See how they differ from our well known meters like 4/4, 3/4 and 6/8 and how they might add spice to your own playing. We’ll learn the basics of how to internalize and construct any odd meter and play repertoire from India, Turkey and some originals. Capo required and 1+ fret recommended.  

SAT 10:15 workshops



31-Hammered Dulcimer 101 – Marya Katz (BEG) … Sat 10:15

For those who have either never tried the dulcimer or have one that you've tapped on a few times and then put in the back of your closet or under your bed, this session is for you!  We'll learn some techniques to find where the notes are by playing rhythms and nursery rhymes, find how it feels to produce a clear tone, and learn a simple tune in the key of D (our favorite!).  It would be helpful to be able to read traditional music notation but is not necessary for this session.  A recording device is also recommended.  All handouts will be supplied, and hopefully all or at least some of your questions will be answered!

32-Songs of the North Country – Nate Pultorak (MID) … Sat 10:15

I hail from just about as far north as you can get in New York State. Join me in this workshop, as I teach you some tunes from “not-quite-Canada”!


33-Czech Music: A Journey Through Tradition and Innovation - Daniel Skala / Matej Cip (ADV) … Sat 10:15

Learn about the rich tradition of Czech music, with particular emphasis on compositions for the cimbalom. We’ll explore both traditional Czech folk music and contemporary works, diving into the techniques and styles that define the Czech cimbalom repertoire. While the music will be approachable, participants should be comfortable with their instruments, as we will explore more intricate techniques. This class aims to give participants a deeper appreciation of the Czech cimbalom tradition and its place in modern music. 




34-Mountain Dulcimer 101 - Ellen Pratt (BEG) … Sat 10:15

What is a dulcimer, and what do you do with it? This class is for the complete beginner and will cover all the basics, plus start you off with a couple of easy songs.


35-Appalachian Songs and the History of Our Music – Susan Trump (NOV) … Sat 10:15

The dulcimer originated in the Appalachian Mountains. The settlers brought their music from the British Isles, and it changed over the years. We’ll learn about the history of our music and then let these beautiful, simple songs take us back to those early times. They sound perfect on the dulcimer…think cozy around the fireplace, or twilight on the front porch.  DAD Tuning


36-Variations on the Tune - Carol Walker (INT) … Sat 10:15

Are you tired of playing the same old tune the same old way? In this workshop we'll get creative, adding a countermelody and passing tones, using different chords or positions, and using the entire fretboard.  We'll take our tab from the basic bare bones to a fancy version suitable for performance.


37-Gypsy Swing - Kara Barnard (ADV) … Sat 10:15

Kara actually has a whole book on this subject, and you’ll learn a tune from it. Along with the melody, you'll learn efficient ways to smooth out the supporting chord progression and soak this arrangement with a moody, soft swing. 


38-The Art of Building Stringed Instruments - Don Kawalek (ALL) … Sat 10:15

Ever wonder what goes into building your dulcimer, so that you can enjoy the end result when it is in your grasp?  Don has been building instruments for nearly 50 years – not just dulcimers, but also guitars, banjos, and mandolins. He’ll explain the process from, choosing the correct materials to the final set up.



SAT 11:30 workshops



41-Hammered Dulcimer 102 – Mary Grace Lee (BEG) … Sat 11:30

Learn how to approach the instrument. You’ll be introduced to scales, basic chords, mapping, and hammer patterns. You’ll also learn some basic tunes to help you familiarize yourself with the instrument. There will also be time for questions, and you’ll be provided with a list of resources for continued learning. 


42-The Music of Paul Van Arsdale - Marya Katz (MID) … Sat 11:30

Paul was an important figure in the early days of Hammered Dulcimer revival (during the 1970s & 80s).  He was one of three brothers who learned to play from their grandfather, Jesse Martin, who played in Henry Ford’s dance band. The tunes he left behind are great fun to play and stand the test of time.


43-Finding the Found Harmonium – Cliff Cole (ADV) … Sat 11:30

Simon Jeffes was a great modern composer of our time. “Music for the Found Harmonium” is just one of many wonderful tunes he wrote and played with his group, the Penguin Cafe Orchestra. We will explore this piece, finding different ways to approach it on the HD. We’ll delve briefly into the music theory of its “pseudo-Celtic” rhythm and the use of the “devil’s interval” as a transitional chord. This will be 100% fun.




44-Mountain Dulcimer 102 – Sandy Lafleur (BEG) … Sat 11:30

We will pick up where 101 leaves off, work on smoothing out our playing, fingering strategies, and then learn some simple tunes. DAD tuning.


45-Dulcimer Styles - It’s All About the Right Hand! – Susan Trump (NOV) … Sat 11:30

We’ll begin using a basic strum to play simple chords that we know.  Then we’ll progress to a different pattern to add more rhythm for “fiddle tune” style.  Lastly, we’ll change things up to connect notes smoothly for a more lyrical “song” style.  Developing these skills will help your understanding and ease with which you approach new tunes and songs.  DAD Tuning


46-Deciphering Songs By Ear - Ellen Pratt (INT) … Sat 11:30

In this class you will learn how to listen to a piece and figure out which key it is in. Next, you will listen for changes in chords or notes and use simple tablature to write it down so you can remember it.


47-Approaching Today's Music on the Dulcimer - Sam Edelston (INT-ADV) … Sat 11:30

There’s actually some great music coming out today.  (If you don’t believe that, just remember what parents said about Elvis, the Beatles, and disco.) We’ll dig into some examples of how you might approach modern songs with a mountain dulcimer. DAD tuning.

SAT 1:30 workshops



51-Mapping the Hammered Dulcimer with Scales and Chords – Cliff Cole (BEG) … Sat 1:30

We’ll map out the hammered dulcimer and explore common patterns to play scales and chords. We will navigate the layout of the instrument by using patterns inherent to its layout. You’ll learn how to use duplicated notes to make hammering patterns easier to play. If you ever thought a hammered dulcimer looked like a wall of strings, by the end of this hour you’ll see how it’s an efficient network of connected highways.


52-Irish Music Basics – Mary Grace Lee (MID) … Sat 1:30

Learn how to approach Irish music to give it a traditional sound. We’ll cover how to learn tunes by ear, Irish phrasing, and ornamentation – and we’ll talk about specific techniques to help give your playing a traditional sound. There will also be time for questions, and you’ll be provided with a list of resources for continued learning. 


53-Chordal Horizons: Mastering Horizontal Harmony on the Dulcimer – Nate Pultorak (ADV) … Sat 1:30

The Dulcimer is a harmonic wonderland full of endless possibility. I will help you expand your library of chord shapes horizontally on the Hammered Dulcimer while learning a charming, bouncy tune, "The Julia Belle Waltz."




54-Songs to Strengthen Your Playing Year-Round – Sam Edelston (BEG) … Sat 1:30

Mary Poppins was right when she sang, “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and, snap, the job’s a game.” We’ll play some familiar songs chosen to help you with fingering, strumming, rhythm, and basic chords. And because they’ll be songs from various holidays, if someone asks you about your dulcimer, you can show them something timely if you want.


55-Playing Chords in Jams - Ellen Pratt (NOV) … Sat 1:30

This class focuses on learning which chords go with jam tunes and how to play along with slow jam songs that may be unfamiliar.


56-Music of the Ancient World - Sasha Bogdanowitsch (INT) … Sat 1:30

Learn instrumental melodies and songs for voice & mountain dulcimer, starting with the oldest notated melody, the Hurrian Hymn from Mesopotamia, 14th cent. BCE. We’ll continue by playing the oldest complete notated song, “Sekilos Epitaph” from Ancient Greece, 1st cent. CE, and other melodies, as well as touching on some of the music of the Middle Ages, Gregorian chant, and instrumental dance music. 1+ fret required and please bring a capo.


57-Beethoven Sonatina in F (for two dulcimers in D) – Susan Trump (ADV) … Sat 1:30

What can be better than Beethoven on the dulcimer?  Beethoven for TWO dulcimers.  A lovely, challenging duet for your playing pleasure.  And possibly one more.  DAD Tuning

SAT 3:00 workshops



61-Drop, Bounce, and Roll – Cliff Cole (BEG-MID) … Sat 3:00

In this workshop, we’ll approach the hammered dulcimer as a percussion instrument we’ll work on the drop and bounce method of hammering, and we’ll also explore some basic “rudiments.” This classical percussion method is the road to cleaner sounding tones, accurate placement, and eventually left and right hand independence. After mastering drop and bounce, then the rolls will come more naturally!


62-E-levate Your Spirit: Mastering "Praise to the Lord" in E – Nate Pultorak (MID) … Sat 3:00

The Dulcimer is built in many familiar patterns… But only if you play in the right keys! In this workshop, you’ll delve into the world where the rules start to break, and you’ll learn how to play both melody and accompaniment on "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" in the key of E


63-Space: The Beautiful Frontier - Marya Katz (ADV) … Sat 3:00

Sometimes less is more. We all want to play all the notes, but sometimes the ones you don’t play are the most important. Giving the music room to breathe will add feeling to your playing. We can try some French Canadian tunes and work on accents (musical) and playing a bit with the rhythm. 




64-Q&A for Your Dulcimer - Ron Ewing (ALL) … Sat 3:00

Do you have a dulcimer with a crack, buzz, ding, or other condition? Did you ever wonder what really differentiates one dulcimer from another? Have you been contemplating strap buttons, different tuning machines, additional frets, or other modifications? Bring your instruments or just bring your questions, and you’ll get some answers.


65-One Easy Chord Shape - Kara Barnard (NOV) … Sat 3:00

Learn an easy way to get through any jam session.  We'll learn several songs in multiple keys.


66-Let’s Write a Waltz! – Sandy Lafleur (NOV-INT) … Sat 3:00

Waltzes are dance tunes in 3/4 time. We'll talk just a bit about the history of the waltz (scandalous!) and work on internalizing the rhythm before working as a group to write our own waltz tune with chordal accompaniment. Attendees will receive via email a TablEdit file of the finished work after the Nutmeg weekend. DAD tuning, a capo is needed for this workshop.


67-Dulci-Piper - Carol Walker (ADV) … Sat 3:00

We’ll hop across the Big Pond for a musical tour of the British Isles where we’ll explore "dulci-pipe" tuning! You will be amazed how your 3-string dulcimer is uniquely suited to imitate the sound produced by a bagpipe, AND you’ll learn how to add those distinctive extra grace notes. Your packet will contain arrangements of traditional tunes from Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales, and the Isle of Man.  (Various tunings)

SAT 4:15 ... Dulcimer Orchestra performance & Open Mic